Thursday, November 17, 2011


I just made myself hot chocolate with small marshmallows, poured it into my fancy cappuccino mug with hand painted blue flowers, and sat on my sofa with my laptop on my lap cushion, pretending I'm in a loungey cafe. I have no time for a cafe, I'm afraid. So, I have to improvise.
I'm starting to work in a law firm in DC tomorrow morning, full time for five weeks, as an analyst, or more correctly, "a Serbian bilingual professional."
I also signed up for a 30-day Yoga challenge at my local Yoga studio.
Which means I have to do Yoga for 30 consecutive days, otherwise, my name will be on a wall of shame, and I will be outed as a loser.
My parents are also visiting from Serbia.
I had my writing class today as well.
I have been booked months ago to interpreter tomorrow and Saturday evening. So, I'm working for 12 hours tomorrow, from 9:20 to 9:30.
But I also have won $4 on lottery, which is a sign (maybe), a $100 Benetton gift card in a drawing (definitely a sign), and today a literary magazine called my story excellent and wants to publish it in its summer edition.
So, I'm a little busy.
I feel that the stars are aligned in Leos' favor now.  I feel like I'm climbing. I feel...good!

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